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Creating your first template

3 min read

Installation #

There are alternative ways to install Add-In

  • Alternative 2: You can install Add-In right from Microsoft Appsource by clicking this link.
  • Alternative 3: If you are an administrator of your organization, you can install add in from Office 365 admin center:
    1. Got to
    2. Choose Admin.
    3. From left menu select: Settings -> Integrated Apps.
    4. In opened page click on “Get apps” and search for Templatise.
    5. You can install add in for selected users or for the whole organization.

Troubleshooting #

If add in is not visible after installation, you might need to add to the desired tab in Word.

  1. Right click on Word top menu -> select “Customize the Ribbon …”
  2. Choose “All Commands” from “Choose commands from” menu and find Templatise application
  3. Select it and add it to desired tab

Creating first template #

For this demo we are using Board Meeting Minutes document that you can download from this link.

  1. In Edit Templates Tab click New.
  2. Enter the name of the template, choose the language, and add tags if necessary.
  3. Click Save.
  4. Create variable for ORGANIZATION NAME – click on Create new variable
    1. Provide title, description (optional)
    2. Leave type as Text, Number, Date
    3. Leave format as Text
    4. Select ORGANIZATION NAME text in a document and click Connect in add-in and then Save.
  5. When creating variable for CHAIRPERSON NAME, after selecting text in a document you can check on Connect 2 similar instances in the document to map both occurrences.
  6. To add Date variable for meeting date – select Date format for Text, Number, Date type
  7. Assume Announcements is an optional part for board meeting – create variable with title Announcements of type Show / Hide, select text that might be hidden and click Connect
  8. Assume LOCATION can be one of New York Office, Oslo Office, Tokyo Office. Create variable with title Office Location, type Single- / Multiselect, in Selection Type choose Create New Selection and for each office location specify it by clicking on Add Next Item. Select LOCATION in a document and click Connect in add-in and then Save.

Now Let’s populate template – select most left tab – Fill Templates and open Board Meeting Minutes for filling, when form is filled – click on Generate Document button and a created document will be opened in a new Word window.

You can read more about mentioned variables here.

Note: Variables that are not connected to the document will not be displayed in template filling form

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